Usage with asyncio ================== You can use AsyncLCDClient to make asynchronous, non-blocking LCD requests. The interface is similar to LCDClient, except the module and wallet API functions must be awaited. Async module APIs ----------------- You can replace your LCDClient instance with AsyncLCDClient inside a coroutine function: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 5,8 import asyncio from terra_sdk.client.lcd import AsyncLCDClient async def main(): terra = AsyncLCDClient("", "columbus-5") total_supply = await print(total_supply) await terra.session.close() # you must close the session asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main()) For convenience, you can use the async context manager to automatically teardown the session. Here's the same code as above, this time using the ``async with`` construct. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 5 import asyncio from terra_sdk.client.lcd import AsyncLCDClient async def main(): async with AsyncLCDClient("", "columbus-5") as terra: total_supply = await print(total_supply) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main()) Async wallet API ---------------- When creating a wallet with AsyncLCDClient, the wallet's methods that create LCD requests are also asychronous and therefore must be awaited. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 12-13 import asyncio from terra_sdk.client.lcd.api.tx import CreateTxOptions from terra_sdk.client.lcd import AsyncLCDClient from terra_sdk.key.mnemonic import MnemonicKey from terra_sdk.core import Coins mk = MnemonicKey() recipient = "terra1..." async def main(): async with AsyncLCDClient("", "columbus-5") as terra: wallet = terra.wallet(mk) account_number = await wallet.account_number() tx = await wallet.create_and_sign_tx( CreateTxOptions( msgs=[MsgSend(wallet.key.acc_address, recipient, Coins(uluna=10202))] ) ) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main()) Alternative event loops ----------------------- The native ``asyncio`` event loop can be replaced with an alternative such as ``uvloop`` for more performance. For example: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2, 10 import asyncio import uvloop from terra_sdk.client.lcd import AsyncLCDClient async def main(): async with AsyncLCDClient("", "columbus-5") as terra: total_supply = await uvloop.install() asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main())