LCDClient ========= The :class:`LCDClient` is an object representing a HTTP connection to a Terra LCD node. Get connected ------------- Create a new LCDClient instance by specifying the URL and chain ID of the node to connect to. .. note:: It is common practice to name the active LCDClient instance ``terra``, but this is not required. .. code-block:: python >>> from terra_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient >>> terra = LCDClient(url="", chain_id="columbus-5") >>> terra.tendermint.node_info()['default_node_info']['network'] 'columbus-5' You can also specify gas estimation parameters for your chain for building transactions. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 8-9 import requests from terra_sdk.core import Coins res = requests.get("") terra = LCDClient( url="", chain_id="columbus-5", gas_prices=Coins(res.json()), gas_adjustment="1.4" ) Using the module APIs --------------------- LCDClient includes functions for interacting with each of the core modules (see sidebar). These functions are divided and and organized by module name (eg. :class:``), and handle the tedium of building HTTP requests, parsing the results, and handling errors. Each request fetches live data from the blockchain: .. code-block:: python >>> {'base_pool': '7000000000000.000000000000000000', 'pool_recovery_period': '200', 'min_spread': '0.005000000000000000'} The height of the last result (if applicable) is available: .. code-block:: python >>> terra.last_request_height 89292 Create a wallet --------------- LCDClient can create a :class:`Wallet` object from any :class:`Key` implementation. Wallet objects are useful for easily creating and signing transactions. .. code-block:: python >>> from terra_sdk.key.mnemonic import MnemonicKey >>> mk = MnemonicKey() >>> wallet = terra.wallet(mk) >>> wallet.account_number() 27 LCDClient Reference ------------------- .. autoclass:: terra_sdk.client.lcd.LCDClient :members: