Building and Signing Transactions ================================= If you want to perform a state-changing operation on the Terra blockchain such as sending tokens, swapping assets, withdrawing rewards, or even invoking functions on smart contracts, you must create a **transaction** and broadcast it to the network. An :class:`StdTx` is a data object that represents a transaction. It contains: - **msgs**: a list of state-altering messages - **fee**: the transaction fee paid to network / validators - **signatures**: a list of signatures from required signers (depends on messages) - **memo**: a short string describing transaction (can be empty string) Terra SDK provides functions that help create StdTx objects. Using a Wallet (recommended) ---------------------------- .. note:: This method requires an LCDClient instance with a proper node connection. If you can't use Wallet, see `Signing transactions manually`_. A :class:`Wallet` allows you to create and sign a transaction in a single step by automatically fetching the latest information from the blockchain (chain ID, account number, sequence). Use :meth:`LCDClient.wallet()` to create a Wallet from any Key instance. The Key provided should correspond to the account you intend to sign the transaction with. .. code-block:: python from terra_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient from terra_sdk.key.mnemonic import MnemonicKey mk = MnemonicKey(mnemonic=MNEMONIC) terra = LCDClient("", "columbus-5") wallet = terra.wallet(mk) Once you have your Wallet, you can simply create a StdTx using :meth:`Wallet.create_and_sign_tx`. .. code-block:: python from terra_sdk.client.lcd.api.tx import CreateTxOptions from terra_sdk.core.fee import Fee from import MsgSend tx = wallet.create_and_sign_tx( CreateTxOptions( msgs=[MsgSend( wallet.key.acc_address, RECIPIENT, "1000000uluna" # send 1 luna )] , memo="test transaction!", fee=Fee(200000, "120000uluna") ) ) And that's it! You should now be able to broadcast your transaction to the network. .. code-block:: python result = terra.tx.broadcast(tx) print(result) Automatic fee estimation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If no ``fee`` parameter is provided for :meth:`Wallet.create_and_sign_tx()`, the transaction fee will be simulated against the node and populated for you. By default, ``Wallet`` will use the fee estimation parameters of the ``LCDClient`` used to create it. You can override this behavior **per transaction**: .. important:: Fee estimation simulates the transaction in the node -- if the transaction would fail due to an error, such as an incorrect smart contract call, the estimation too would fail. .. note:: By default, the estimated fee returned consists of a fee paid in every denom for which the signing account hold a balance. For instance, if the signer has a balance of ``uusd`` and ``uluna``, the fee reported will be both ``uusd`` and ``uluna``. Use the ``denoms`` argument to restrict the estimated fee to specific denoms. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 8-10 tx = wallet.create_and_sign_tx(CreateTxOptions( msgs=[MsgSend( wallet.key.acc_address, RECIPIENT, "1000000uluna" # send 1 luna )], memo="test transaction!", gas_prices="0.015uluna,0.11ukrw", # optional gas_adjustment="1.2", # optional denoms=["ukrw"] # optional )) Signing transactions manually ----------------------------- Below is the full process of signing a transaction manually that does not use ``Wallet``. You will need to build a :class:`SignDoc`, sign it, and add the signatures to an ``Tx``. A SignDoc contains the information required to build a StdTx: - **chain_id**: chain ID of blockchain network - **account_number**: account number in blockchain - **sequence**: sequence number (# of prior transactions) - **auth_info**: transaction authentication info - **tx_body**: body of a transaction. containing messages. .. code-block:: python from terra_sdk.client.lcd.api.tx import CreateTxOptions, SignerOptions from terra_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient from import MsgSend from terra_sdk.core.tx import SignMode from terra_sdk.key.key import SignOptions from terra_sdk.key.mnemonic import MnemonicKey from terra_sdk.core import Coin, Coins terra = LCDClient("", "columbus-5") key = MnemonicKey(mnemonic=MNEMONIC) msg = MsgSend( key.acc_address, "terra1x46rqay4d3cssq8gxxvqz8xt6nwlz4td20k38v", Coins(uluna=30000), ) tx_opt = CreateTxOptions( msgs=[msg], memo="send test", gas_adjustment=1.5 ) signer_opt = SignerOptions( address=key.acc_address, ) acc_info = terra.auth.account_info(key.acc_address) sign_opt = SignOptions( account_number=acc_info.account_number, sequence=acc_info.sequence, sign_mode=SignMode.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT, chain_id='columbus-5' ) tx = terra.tx.create([signer_opt], tx_opt) signed_tx = key.sign_tx(tx, sign_opt) # broadcast tx result = terra.tx.broadcast(signed_tx) print(result) Applying multiple signatures ---------------------------- Some messages, such as ``MsgMultiSend``, require the transaction to be signed with multiple signatures. You must prepare a separate ``SignDoc`` for each signer to sign individually, and then combine them in the ``signatures`` field of the final :class:`StdTx` object. Each ``SignDoc`` should only differ by ``account`` and ``sequence``, which vary according to the signing key. .. note:: In a transaction with multiple signers, the account of the first signature in the ``StdTx`` is responsible for paying the fee. .. code-block:: python from terra_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient from terra_sdk.core.fee import Fee from import MsgMultiSend from terra_sdk.key.mnemonic import MnemonicKey from import MsgMultiSend, MultiSendInput, MultiSendOutput terra = LCDClient("", "columbus-5") wallet1 = terra.wallet(MnemonicKey(mnemonic=MNEMONIC_1)) wallet2 = terra.wallet(MnemonicKey(mnemonic=MNEMONIC_2)) inputs = [ MultiSendInput( address=wallet1.key.acc_address, coins=Coins(uluna=10000), ), MultiSendInput( address=wallet2.key.acc_address, coins=Coins(uluna=20000), ) ] outputs = [ MultiSendOutput( address=wallet1.key.acc_address, coins=Coins(uluna=20000), ), MultiSendOutput( address=wallet2.key.acc_address, coins=Coins(uluna=10000), ), ] msg = MsgMultiSend(inputs, outputs) opt = CreateTxOptions( msgs=[msg] ) tx = terra.tx.create( [SignerOptions(address=wallet1.key.acc_address), SignerOptions(address=wallet2.key.acc_address)], opt) info1 = wallet1.account_number_and_sequence() info2 = wallet2.account_number_and_sequence() signdoc1 = SignDoc( chain_id=terra.chain_id, account_number=info1["account_number"], sequence=info1["sequence"], auth_info=tx.auth_info, tx_body=tx.body, ) signdoc2 = SignDoc( chain_id=terra.chain_id, account_number=info2["account_number"], sequence=info2["sequence"], auth_info=tx.auth_info, tx_body=tx.body, ) sig1 = wallet1.key.create_signature_amino(signdoc1) sig2 = wallet2.key.create_signature_amino(signdoc2) tx.append_signatures([sig1, sig2]) result = terra.tx.broadcast(tx) print(result) Signing multiple offline transactions ------------------------------------- In some cases, you may wish to sign and save multiple transactions in advance, in order to broadcast them at a later date. To do so, you will need to manually update the **sequence** number to override the ``Wallet``'s automatic default behavior of loading the latest sequence number from the blockchain (which will not have been updated). .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2,5,10,15 # get first sequence sequence = wallet.sequence() tx1 = wallet.create_and_sign_tx( CreateTxOptions( msgs=[MsgSend(...)], sequence=sequence ) ) tx2 = wallet.create_and_sign_tx( CreateTxOptions( msgs=[MsgSwap(...)], sequence=sequence+1 ) ) tx3 = wallet.create_and_sign_tx( CreateTxOptions( msgs=[MsgExecuteContract(...)], sequence=sequence+2 ) )