Source code for terra_sdk.client.lcd.api.tendermint

from typing import Optional

from ._base import BaseAsyncAPI, sync_bind

__all__ = ["AsyncTendermintAPI", "TendermintAPI"]

class AsyncTendermintAPI(BaseAsyncAPI):
    async def node_info(self) -> dict:
        """Fetches the curent connected node's information.

            dict: node information
        res = await self._c._get("/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info")
        return {
            "default_node_info": res["default_node_info"],
            "application_version": res["application_version" ""],

    async def syncing(self) -> bool:
        """Fetches whether the curent connect node is syncing with the network.

            bool: syncing status
        return (await self._c._get("/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing"))[

    async def validator_set(self, height: Optional[int] = None) -> dict:
        """Fetches the validator set for a height. If no height is given, defaults to latest.

            height (int, optional): block height.

            dict: validator set
        x = "latest" if height is None else height
        return await self._c._get(f"/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/{x}")

    async def block_info(self, height: Optional[int] = None) -> dict:
        """Fetches the block information for a given height. If no height is given, defaults to latest block.

            height (int, optional): block height.

            dict: block info
        x = "latest" if height is None else height
        return await self._c._get(f"/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/{x}")

[docs]class TendermintAPI(AsyncTendermintAPI):
[docs] @sync_bind(AsyncTendermintAPI.node_info) def node_info(self) -> dict: pass
node_info.__doc__ = AsyncTendermintAPI.node_info.__doc__
[docs] @sync_bind(AsyncTendermintAPI.syncing) def syncing(self) -> bool: pass
syncing.__doc__ = AsyncTendermintAPI.syncing.__doc__
[docs] @sync_bind(AsyncTendermintAPI.validator_set) def validator_set(self, height: Optional[int] = None) -> dict: pass
validator_set.__doc__ = AsyncTendermintAPI.validator_set.__doc__
[docs] @sync_bind(AsyncTendermintAPI.block_info) def block_info(self, height: Optional[int] = None) -> dict: pass
block_info.__doc__ = AsyncTendermintAPI.block_info.__doc__