Source code for terra_sdk.core.authz.msgs

"""Authz module message types."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

import attr
from terra_proto.cosmos.authz.v1beta1 import MsgExec as MsgExec_pb
from terra_proto.cosmos.authz.v1beta1 import MsgGrant as MsgGrant_pb
from terra_proto.cosmos.authz.v1beta1 import MsgRevoke as MsgRevoke_pb

from terra_sdk.core import AccAddress
from terra_sdk.core.msg import Msg

from .data import Authorization, AuthorizationGrant

__all__ = ["MsgExecAuthorized", "MsgGrantAuthorization", "MsgRevokeAuthorization"]

[docs]@attr.s class MsgExecAuthorized(Msg): """Execute a set of messages, exercising an existing authorization. Args: grantee: grantee account (submitting on behalf of granter) msg (List[Msg]): list of messages to execute using authorization grant """ type_amino = "msgauth/MsgExecAuthorized" """""" type_url = "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec" """""" grantee: AccAddress = attr.ib() msgs: List[Msg] = attr.ib() def to_amino(self) -> dict: return { "type": self.type_amino, "value": { "grantee": self.grantee, "msgs": [msg.to_amino() for msg in self.msgs], }, }
[docs] def to_data(self) -> dict: return { "@type": self.type_url, "grantee": self.grantee, "msgs": [msg.to_data() for msg in self.msgs], }
@classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict) -> MsgExecAuthorized: return cls( grantee=data["grantee"], msgs=[Msg.from_data(md) for md in data["msgs"]] ) def to_proto(self) -> MsgExec_pb: return MsgExec_pb(grantee=self.grantee, msgs=[m.pack_any() for m in self.msgs])
[docs]@attr.s class MsgGrantAuthorization(Msg): """Grant an authorization to ``grantee`` to call messages on behalf of ``granter``. Args: granter: account granting authorization grantee: account receiving authorization grant: pair of authorization, expiration """ type_amino = "msgauth/MsgGrantAuthorization" """""" type_url = "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant" """""" granter: AccAddress = attr.ib() grantee: AccAddress = attr.ib() grant: AuthorizationGrant = attr.ib() def to_amino(self) -> dict: return { "type": self.type_amino, "value": { "granter": self.granter, "grantee": self.grantee, "grant": self.grant.to_amino(), }, }
[docs] def to_data(self) -> dict: return { "@type": self.type_url, "granter": self.granter, "grantee": self.grantee, "grant": self.grant.to_data(), }
@classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict) -> MsgGrantAuthorization: data = data["value"] return cls( granter=data["granter"], grantee=data["grantee"], grant=AuthorizationGrant( authorization=Authorization.from_data(data["grant"]["authorization"]), expiration=str(data["grant"]["expiration"]), ), ) def to_proto(self) -> MsgGrant_pb: return MsgGrant_pb( granter=self.granter, grantee=self.grantee, grant=self.grant.to_proto() )
[docs]@attr.s class MsgRevokeAuthorization(Msg): """Remove existing authorization grant of the specified message type. Args: granter: account removing authorization grantee: account having authorization removed msg_type_url: type of message to remove authorization for """ type_amino = "msgauth/MsgRevokeAuthorization" """""" type_url = "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke" """""" granter: AccAddress = attr.ib() grantee: AccAddress = attr.ib() msg_type_url: str = attr.ib() def to_amino(self) -> dict: return { "type": self.type_amino, "value": { "granter": self.granter, "grantee": self.grantee, "msg_type_url": self.msg_type_url, }, } @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict) -> MsgRevokeAuthorization: return cls( granter=data["granter"], grantee=data["grantee"], msg_type_url=data["msg_type_url"], ) def to_proto(self) -> MsgRevoke_pb: return MsgRevoke_pb( granter=self.granter, grantee=self.grantee, msg_type_url=self.msg_type_url )