Source code for terra_sdk.core.coin

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import re
from typing import Union

import attr
from terra_proto.cosmos.base.v1beta1 import Coin as Coin_pb

from terra_sdk.util.json import JSONSerializable

from .numeric import Dec, Numeric

[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class Coin(JSONSerializable): """Represents a (denom, amount) pairing, analagous to ``sdk.Coin`` and ``sdk.DecCoin`` in Cosmos SDK. Used for representing Terra native assets. """ denom: str = attr.ib() """Coin's denomination, ex ``uusd``, ``uluna``, etc.""" amount: Numeric.Output = attr.ib(converter=Numeric.parse) # type: ignore """Coin's amount -- can be a ``int`` or :class:`Dec`"""
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(arg: Union[Coin, str, dict]) -> Coin: """Converts the argument into a coin. Args: arg (Union[Coin, str, dict]): value to be converted to coin """ if isinstance(arg, Coin): return arg elif isinstance(arg, str): return Coin.from_str(arg) else: return Coin.from_data(arg)
[docs] def is_int_coin(self) -> bool: """Checks whether the coin's amount is of type ``int``.""" return isinstance(self.amount, int)
[docs] def is_dec_coin(self) -> bool: """Checks whether the coin's amount is of type :class:`Dec`.""" return isinstance(self.amount, Dec)
[docs] def to_int_coin(self) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` with an ``int`` amount.""" return Coin(self.denom, int(self.amount))
[docs] def to_int_ceil_coin(self) -> Coin: """Turns the :class:`coin` into an ``int`` coin with ceiling the amount.""" return Coin(self.denom, int(math.ceil(self.amount)))
[docs] def to_dec_coin(self) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` with a :class:`Dec` amount.""" return Coin(self.denom, Dec(self.amount))
def __str__(self) -> str: if self.is_dec_coin(): amount_str = str(self.amount).rstrip("0") if amount_str.endswith("."): amount_str += "0" return f"{amount_str}{self.denom}" return f"{self.amount}{self.denom}" def to_amino(self) -> dict: return {"denom": self.denom, "amount": str(self.amount)}
[docs] def to_data(self) -> dict: return {"denom": self.denom, "amount": str(self.amount)}
@classmethod def from_proto(cls, proto: Coin_pb) -> Coin: return cls(proto.denom, proto.amount) def to_proto(self) -> Coin_pb: coin = Coin_pb() coin.denom = self.denom coin.amount = str(self.amount) return coin
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, string: str) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` from a coin-format string. Must match the format: ``283923uusd`` (``int``-Coin) or ``23920.23020uusd`` (:class:`Dec`-Coin). >>> int_coin = Coin.from_str("230920uusd") >>> int_coin.denom 'uusd' >>> int_coin.amount 230920 >>> dec_coin = Coin.from_str("203922.223uluna") >>> dec_coin.denom 'uluna' >>> dec_coin.amount Dec('203922.223') Args: string (str): string to convert Raises: ValueError: if string is in wrong format Returns: Coin: converted string """ pattern = r"^(\-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)([0-9a-zA-Z/]+)$" match = re.match(pattern, string) if match is None: raise ValueError(f"failed to parse Coin: {string}") else: return cls(,
[docs] def add(self, addend: Union[Numeric.Input, Coin]) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` with the sum as amount. If the ``addend`` is a :class:`Coin`, its ``denom`` must match. Args: addend (Union[Numeric.Input, Coin]): addend Raises: ArithmeticError: if addedend has different ``denom`` Returns: Coin: sum """ if isinstance(addend, Coin): if addend.denom != self.denom: raise ArithmeticError( f"cannot add/subtract two Coin objects of different denoms: {self.denom} and {addend.denom}" ) return Coin(self.denom, self.amount + addend.amount) else: return Coin(self.denom, self.amount + Numeric.parse(addend))
def __add__(self, addend: Union[Numeric.Input, Coin]) -> Coin: return self.add(addend)
[docs] def sub(self, subtrahend: Union[Numeric.Input, Coin]) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` with the difference as amount. If the ``subtrahend`` is a :class:`Coin`, its ``denom`` must match. Args: subtrahend (Union[Numeric.Input, Coin]): subtrahend Returns: Coin: difference """ if isinstance(subtrahend, Coin): return self.add(subtrahend.mul(-1)) else: return self.add(Numeric.parse(subtrahend) * -1)
def __sub__(self, subtrahend: Union[Numeric.Input, Coin]) -> Coin: return self.sub(subtrahend)
[docs] def mul(self, multiplier: Numeric.Input) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` with the product as amount. The ``multiplier`` argument is first coerced to either an ``int`` or :class:`Dec`. Args: multiplier (Numeric.Input): multiplier Returns: Coin: product """ other_amount = Numeric.parse(multiplier) return Coin(self.denom, self.amount * other_amount)
def __mul__(self, multiplier: Numeric.Input) -> Coin: return self.mul(multiplier)
[docs] def div(self, divisor: Numeric.Input) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` with the quotient as amount. The ``divisor`` argument is first coerced to either an ``int`` or :class:`Dec`. Args: divisor (Numeric.Input): divisor Returns: Coin: quotient """ other_amount = Numeric.parse(divisor) if isinstance(other_amount, int): return Coin(self.denom, (self.amount // other_amount)) else: return Coin(self.denom, (self.amount / other_amount))
def __truediv__(self, divisor: Numeric.Input) -> Coin: return self.div(divisor) def __floordiv__(self, divisor: Numeric.Input) -> Coin: return self.div(int(Numeric.parse(divisor)))
[docs] def mod(self, modulo: Numeric.Input) -> Coin: """Creates a new :class:`Coin` with the modulus as amount. Args: modulo (Numeric.Input): modulo Returns: Coin: modulo """ other_amount = Numeric.parse(modulo) if isinstance(other_amount, Dec): return Coin(self.denom, Dec(self.amount).mod(other_amount)) else: return Coin(self.denom, self.amount % other_amount)
def __mod__(self, modulo: Numeric.Input) -> Coin: return self.mod(modulo) def __neg__(self) -> Coin: return Coin(denom=self.denom, amount=(-self.amount)) def __abs__(self) -> Coin: return Coin(denom=self.denom, amount=abs(self.amount)) def __pos__(self) -> Coin: return abs(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict) -> Coin: """Deserializes a :class:`Coin` object from its JSON data representation. Args: data (dict): data object """ return cls(data["denom"], data["amount"])
[docs] @classmethod def from_amino(cls, data: dict) -> Coin: """Deserializes a :class:`Coin` object from its amino-codec representation. Args: data (dict): data object """ return cls(data["denom"], data["amount"])