Source code for terra_sdk.core.coins

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

from terra_proto.cosmos.base.v1beta1 import Coin as Coin_pb

from terra_sdk.util.json import JSONSerializable

from .coin import Coin
from .numeric import Numeric

[docs]class Coins(JSONSerializable, List[Coin_pb]): """Represents an unordered collection of :class:`Coin` objects -- analagous to ``sdk.Coins`` and ``sdk.DecCoins`` in Cosmos SDK. If one of the input coins would be ``Dec``-amount type coin, the resultant Coins is converted to ``Dec``-amount coins. Args: arg (Optional[Coins.Input], optional): argument to convert. Defaults to ``{}``. Raises: TypeError: if ``arg`` is not an Iterable """ Input = Union[Iterable[Coin], str, Dict[str, Numeric.Input], Dict[str, Coin]] """Types which can be converted into a :class:`Coins` object.""" _coins: Dict[str, Coin] def __repr__(self) -> str: if len(self) == 0: return "Coins()" else: return f"Coins('{self!s}')" def __str__(self) -> str: return ",".join(str(coin) for coin in self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_str(cls, s: str) -> Coins: """Converts a comma-separated list of Coin-format strings to :class:`Coins`. >>> Coins.from_str('1000uluna,1234ukrw') Coins("1000uluna,1234ukrw") Args: s (str): string to convert """ coin_strings = s.split(r",") return Coins(Coin.from_str(cs) for cs in coin_strings)
def __init__(self, arg: Optional[Coins.Input] = {}, **denoms): """Converts the argument into a :class:`Coins` object.""" if arg is None: self._coins = {} return # arg should be an iterable try: iter(arg) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"could not create Coins object with argument: {arg!s}") if isinstance(arg, Coins): self._coins = copy.deepcopy(arg._coins) return if isinstance(arg, str): self._coins = Coins.from_str(arg)._coins return self._coins = Coins(denoms)._coins if denoms else {} coins: Iterable[Coin] if isinstance(arg, dict): coins = [Coin(denom, arg[denom]) for denom in arg] else: coins = arg for coin in coins: x = self._coins.get(coin.denom) if x is not None: self._coins[coin.denom] = x + coin else: self._coins[coin.denom] = coin # make all coins DecCoin if one is DecCoin if not all([c.is_int_coin() for c in self]): for denom in self._coins: self._coins[denom] = self._coins[denom].to_dec_coin() def __getitem__(self, denom: str) -> Coin: return self._coins[denom]
[docs] def get(self, denom: str) -> Optional[Coin]: """Get the Coin with the denom contained in the Coins set. Args: denom (str): denom Returns: Optional[Coin]: result (can be ``None``) """ return self._coins.get(denom)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: list) -> Coins: """Converts list of Coin-data objects to :class:`Coins`. Args: data (list): list of Coin-data objects """ coins = map(Coin.from_data, data) return cls(coins)
[docs] @classmethod def from_amino(cls, amino: list) -> Coins: """Converts list of Coin-amino objects to :class:`Coins`. Args: amino (list): list of Coin-data objects """ coins = map(Coin.from_amino, amino) return cls(coins)
def to_amino(self) -> List[dict]: return [coin.to_amino() for coin in self]
[docs] def to_data(self) -> List[dict]: return [coin.to_data() for coin in self]
[docs] @classmethod def from_proto(cls, proto: List[Coin_pb]) -> Coins: """Converts list of Coin-data objects to :class:`Coins`. Args: data (list): list of Coin-data objects """ coins = map(Coin.from_proto, proto) return cls(coins)
def to_proto(self) -> List[Coin_pb]: return [coin.to_proto() for coin in self] def to_dict(self) -> List[dict]: return [coin.to_dict for coin in self]
[docs] def denoms(self) -> List[str]: """Get the list of denoms for all Coin objects contained.""" return [c.denom for c in self]
[docs] def to_dec_coins(self) -> Coins: """Creates new set of :class:`Coins` that have :class`Dec` amounts.""" return Coins(c.to_dec_coin() for c in self)
[docs] def to_int_coins(self) -> Coins: """Creates new set of :class:`Coins` that have ``int`` amounts.""" return Coins(c.to_int_coin() for c in self)
[docs] def to_int_ceil_coins(self) -> Coins: """Creates a new :class:`Coins` object with all ``int`` coins with ceiling the amount""" return Coins(c.to_int_ceil_coin() for c in self)
[docs] def add(self, addend: Union[Coin, Coins]) -> Coins: """Performs addition, which combines the sets of Coin objects. Coins of similar denoms will be merged into one Coin representing the denom. Args: addend (Union[Coin, Coins]): addend """ if isinstance(addend, Coin): return Coins([addend, *self.to_list()]) else: return Coins([*addend.to_list(), *self.to_list()])
def __add__(self, addend: Union[Coin, Coins]) -> Coins: return self.add(addend)
[docs] def sub(self, subtrahend: Union[Coin, Coins]) -> Coins: """Performs subtraction, which combines the sets of Coin objects. Coins of similar denoms will be merged into one Coin representing the denom. Args: subtrahend (Union[Coin, Coins]): subtrahend """ return self.add(subtrahend.mul(-1))
def __sub__(self, subtrahend: Union[Coin, Coins]) -> Coins: return self.sub(subtrahend)
[docs] def mul(self, multiplier: Numeric.Input) -> Coins: """Performs multiplicaiton, which multiplies all the Coin objects in the set by a multiplier. Args: multiplier (Numeric.Input): multiplier """ return Coins(coin.mul(multiplier) for coin in self)
def __mul__(self, multiplier: Numeric.Input) -> Coins: return self.mul(multiplier)
[docs] def div(self, divisor: Numeric.Input) -> Coins: """Performs division, which divides all the Coin objects in the set by a divisor. Args: divisor (Numeric.Input): divisor """ return Coins(coin.div(divisor) for coin in self)
def __truediv__(self, divisor: Numeric.Input) -> Coins: return Coins(coin / divisor for coin in self) def __floordiv__(self, divisor: Numeric.Input) -> Coins: return Coins(coin // divisor for coin in self)
[docs] def to_list(self) -> List[Coin]: """Converts the set of :class:`Coin` objects contained into a sorted list by denom. Returns: List[Coin]: list, sorted by denom """ return sorted(self._coins.values(), key=lambda c: c.denom)
[docs] def filter(self, predicate: Callable[[Coin], bool]) -> Coins: """Creates a new :class:`Coins` collection which filters out all Coin objects that do not meet the predicate. Args: predicate (Callable[[Coin], bool]): predicate for filtering """ return Coins(c for c in self if predicate(c))
[docs] def map(self, fn: Callable[[Coin], Any]) -> Iterator[Any]: """Creates an iterable which applies the function to all coins in the set, ordered by denomination. Args: fn (Callable[[Coin], Any]): function to apply Returns: Iterator[Any]: coin map Yields: Iterator[Any]: coin map """ return map(fn, self)
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: try: return self.to_list() == other.to_list() except AttributeError: return False def __iter__(self): return iter(self.to_list()) def __len__(self): return len(self.to_list()) def __contains__(self, denom: str) -> bool: return denom in self._coins