Source code for terra_sdk.core.public_key

from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import hashlib
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Union

import attr
from import Any as Any_pb
from terra_proto.cosmos.crypto.ed25519 import PubKey as ValConsPubKey_pb
from terra_proto.cosmos.crypto.multisig import LegacyAminoPubKey as LegacyAminoPubKey_pb
from terra_proto.cosmos.crypto.secp256k1 import PubKey as SimplePubKey_pb

from terra_sdk.util.json import JSONSerializable

from .bech32 import get_bech

BECH32_AMINO_PUBKEY_DATA_PREFIX_SECP256K1 = "eb5ae987" + "21"  # with fixed length 21
BECH32_AMINO_PUBKEY_DATA_PREFIX_ED25519 = "1624de64" + "20"  # with fixed length 20

__all__ = [

def encode_uvarint(value: Union[int, str]) -> List[int]:
    val = int(str(value))
    if val > 127:
        raise ValueError(
            "Encoding numbers > 127 is not supported here. Please tell those lazy CosmJS maintainers to "
            "port the binary.PutUvarint implementation from the Go standard library and write some "
    return [val]

def address_from_public_key(public_key: PublicKey) -> bytes:
    sha = hashlib.sha256()
    rip ="ripemd160")
    return rip.digest()

def amino_pubkey_from_public_key(public_key: PublicKey) -> bytes:
    arr = bytes.fromhex(BECH32_AMINO_PUBKEY_DATA_PREFIX_SECP256K1)
    arr += bytes(public_key.key)
    return bytes(arr)

[docs]class PublicKey(JSONSerializable, ABC): """Data object holding the public key component of an account or signature.""" @property @abstractmethod def type_url(self): pass @property @abstractmethod def type_amino(self): pass @abstractmethod def get_type(self) -> str: return self.type_url @classmethod def from_proto(cls, proto: Any_pb): type_url = proto.type_url if type_url == SimplePublicKey.type_url: return SimplePublicKey.from_proto(proto) elif type_url == ValConsPubKey.type_url: return ValConsPubKey.from_proto(proto) elif type_url == LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey.type_url: return LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey.from_proto(proto) raise TypeError("could not marshal PublicKey: type is incorrect") @classmethod def from_amino(cls, amino: dict): type_amino = amino.get("type") if type_amino == SimplePublicKey.type_amino: return SimplePublicKey.from_amino(amino) elif type_amino == ValConsPubKey.type_amino: return ValConsPubKey.from_amino(amino) elif type_amino == LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey.type_amino: return LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey.from_amino(amino) raise TypeError("could not marshal PublicKey: type is incorrect") @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict): type_url = data["@type"] if type_url == SimplePublicKey.type_url: return SimplePublicKey.from_data(data) elif type_url == ValConsPubKey.type_url: return ValConsPubKey.from_data(data) elif type_url == LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey.type_url: return LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey.from_data(data) raise TypeError("could not unmarshal PublicKey: type is incorrect") @abstractmethod def pack_any(self) -> Any_pb: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def address(self) -> str: pass @abstractmethod def raw_address(self) -> str: pass @abstractmethod def encode_amino_pubkey(self) -> bytes: pass @abstractmethod def to_amino(self) -> dict: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_data(self) -> dict: pass
@abstractmethod def to_proto(self): pass
[docs]@attr.s class SimplePublicKey(PublicKey): """Data object holding the SIMPLE public key component of an account or signature.""" type_amino = "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1" """""" type_url = "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey" """Normal signature public key type.""" key: str = attr.ib() def to_amino(self) -> dict: return {"type": self.type_amino, "value": self.key}
[docs] def to_data(self) -> dict: return {"@type": self.type_url, "key": base64.b64encode(self.key)}
@classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict) -> SimplePublicKey: return cls(key=data["key"]) @classmethod def from_amino(cls, amino: dict) -> SimplePublicKey: return cls(key=amino["value"]) def to_proto(self) -> SimplePubKey_pb: return SimplePubKey_pb(key=self.key) def get_type(self) -> str: return self.type_url def pack_any(self) -> Any_pb: return Any_pb(type_url=self.type_url, value=bytes(self.to_proto())) def encode_amino_pubkey(self) -> bytearray: out = bytearray.fromhex(BECH32_AMINO_PUBKEY_DATA_PREFIX_SECP256K1) + bytearray( self.key ) return out def raw_address(self) -> bytes: return address_from_public_key(self.key) def address(self) -> str: return get_bech("terra", self.raw_address())
[docs]@attr.s class ValConsPubKey(PublicKey): """Data object holding the public key component of an validator's account or signature.""" type_amino = "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519" """""" type_url = "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey" """an ed25519 tendermint public key type.""" key: str = attr.ib() def to_amino(self) -> dict: return {"type": self.type_amino, "value": self.key}
[docs] def to_data(self) -> dict: return {"@type": self.type_url, "key": self.key}
@classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict) -> ValConsPubKey: return cls(key=data["key"]) @classmethod def from_amino(cls, amino: dict) -> ValConsPubKey: return cls(key=amino["value"]["key"]) def get_type(self) -> str: return self.type_url def to_proto(self) -> ValConsPubKey_pb: return ValConsPubKey_pb(key=base64.b64encode(self.key)) def pack_any(self) -> Any_pb: return Any_pb(type_url=self.type_url, value=bytes(self.to_proto())) def encode_amino_pubkey(self) -> bytes: return bytes.fromhex(BECH32_AMINO_PUBKEY_DATA_PREFIX_ED25519) + bytes(self.key) def raw_address(self) -> str: return address_from_public_key(self.key) def address(self) -> str: return get_bech("terravalcons", self.raw_address())
[docs]@attr.s class LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey(PublicKey): """Data object holding the Legacy Amino-typed public key component of an account or signature.""" type_amino = "tendermint/PubKeyMultisigThreshold" """""" type_url = "/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey" """Multisig public key type.""" threshold: int = attr.ib(converter=int) public_keys: List[SimplePublicKey] = attr.ib(factory=list) def to_amino(self) -> dict: return { "type": self.type_amino, "value": { "threshold": str(self.threshold), "pubkeys": [pubkey.to_amino() for pubkey in self.public_keys], }, }
[docs] def to_data(self) -> dict: return { "@type": self.type_url, "threshold": self.threshold, "public_keys": self.public_keys, }
@classmethod def from_data(cls, data: dict) -> LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey: return cls(threshold=data["threshold"], public_keys=data["public_keys"]) @classmethod def from_amino(cls, amino: dict) -> LegacyAminoMultisigPublicKey: return cls( threshold=amino["value"]["threshold"], public_keys=[ SimplePublicKey.from_amino(pubkey) for pubkey in amino["value"]["public_keys"] ], ) def get_type(self) -> str: return self.type_url def to_proto(self) -> LegacyAminoPubKey_pb: return LegacyAminoPubKey_pb( threshold=self.threshold, public_keys=[pk.pack_any() for pk in self.public_keys], ) def encode_amino_pubkey(self) -> bytearray: if self.threshold > 127: raise ValueError("threshold over 127 is now supported here") out = bytearray.fromhex(BECH32_AMINO_PUBKEY_DATA_PREFIX_MULTISIG_THRESHOLD) out.append(0x08) out += bytearray(encode_uvarint(self.threshold)) for pkData in [pubkey.encode_amino_pubkey() for pubkey in self.public_keys]: out.append(0x12) out += bytearray(encode_uvarint(len(pkData))) out += pkData return out def pack_any(self) -> Any_pb: return Any_pb(type_url=self.type_url, value=bytes(self.to_proto())) def raw_address(self) -> str: pubkey_data = bytes(self.encode_amino_pubkey()) hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(pubkey_data) return hasher.digest()[0:20].hex() def address(self) -> str: address = get_bech("terra", self.raw_address()) return address def pubkey_address(self) -> str: return get_bech("terrapub", str(self.encode_amino_pubkey()))